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Martha Karolyi impressed by Gabby’s Return

Gabrielle Douglas (2012 Olympic All-Around Champion) returned to her first Elite Training camp at the USA Gymnastics Women’s National Training Center (Karolyi Ranch) this past week. These camps are held for competition selection and assignments of different elite gymnasts to different national and international competitions. Marta Karolyi, USAG’s National Team Coordinator, leads the camps along with the help of her National Coaching Staff. With the elite season coming up, June’s camp focused on finishing routine construction, finalizing new skills and connections, and the gymnasts’ verifying half-routines.

This was the first camp Gabby has attended since winning the gold medal in London in 2012. Here’s what Marta Karolyi had to say about Gabby’s performance at the camp, “I was pleasantly surprised at the excellent fitness level of Gabby Douglas at the June National Team Training Camp. After reviewing her training for the past five days, I feel consistent training between now and September, she has a reasonable chance to get back into full shape prior to World Championships.”

That is great to hear. Hopefully we’ll be seeing some of Gabby’s improvements since 2012 in the upcoming Elite meets!

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